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How Do You
Build a Boy?

Boys Need Male Mentors
by Anne-Davis Vander Have

Boys Need Male Mentors

To make men, build up boys. One of the ways PDS builds up boys is by giving them guidance on the journey to manhood. In 5th and 6th grades, boys meet regularly with ma...
Boys Need to Wiggle and Move
by Winston Baccus

Boys Need to Wiggle and Move

Boys move. A lot. They're loud and messy and have trouble sitting still. And that's completely okay. We're experts at channeling that energy. Want to learn more a...
Video - Derby Days - Fall Breakaway 2019
by Winston Baccus

Video - Derby Days - Fall Breakaway 2019

The Elementary Division breaks away from our regular schedule on the two days leading into Fall Break to engage in two days of STEAM-infused learning. This year the...
Showing is Better than Telling
by Rachel Bishop

Showing is Better than Telling

Dissecting a sheep heart at four-years-old to learn about how the body works? Customization, critical and creative thinking, and experiential learning — all are essent...
Why Would a Teacher Break a Perfectly Good Pencil?
by Rachel Bishop

Why Would a Teacher Break a Perfectly Good Pencil?

At Presbyterian Day School, we know how to teach boys, reach them, and channel their energies in positive and productive ways. And we know from research that boys and ...
Foundations: Developmentally Appropriate Practices
by Emily Lequerica

Foundations: Developmentally Appropriate Practices

Never have I heard anyone say “Wow! That is a solid foundation!” about a newly constructed home. People are often in awe of the finished product, a house visually upri...

Tuesday, August 1 - Thursday, August 1

Available year-round!

We love showing off our campus and our boys.

To Schedule a tour, contact Rachel Bishop, Director of Admission at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 901-842-4695