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You Did It! Upcoming Rewards Days

You Did It! Upcoming Rewards Days

Upcoming Rewards Days!

Thank you for making our first Giving Day a success! We reached 78% Parent Participation and unlocked all three rewards!

The 50% Dress Down Day will be on Monday, November 28th.

The 65% Wacky Tacky Red & Blue Dress Up Day will be on Friday, December 8th.

The 75% Crusader Day featuring Sir Bradley Sewell riding a horse is to come! It will be a surprise for the boys in December.

The boys have a lot of fun in store in the coming days. Thank you for supporting the Annual Fund!


If you still haven't given, it's never too late to show your support!


‍Crusader Day!

Featuring Mr. Sewell in full knight gear on a horse!

‍Dress-Up Day!
Red and Blue Wacky Tacky Day!


‍Dress-Down Day!


Every Gift Matters!


PDS is a 501(c)(3), and contributions to the school are tax deductible upon compliance with the Internal Revenue Code.


Presbyterian Day School



4025 Poplar Avenue
Memphis, TN 38111

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