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Young Scholars Update - Spring 2024

Young Scholars Update - Spring 2024

Young Scholars Update - Spring 2024

The Young Scholars program at Presbyterian Day School is a transformative initiative aimed at nurturing the academic and personal growth of young boys. Catering to a select group of 21 students, the program operates within the Presbyterian Day School, offering a rich educational experience tailored to the unique needs and abilities of each scholar. With a focus on fostering intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and character development, the program provides a supportive environment where boys can thrive academically and socially. 

Thanks to your generous contributions and continued support alongside the match from the Second Presbyterian Church Foundation, we were able to reach our goal of $2 million raised for Young Scholars! 

With those funds, we are able to continue growth of the Young Scholars program and welcome new Young Scholars students for the 2024-25 school year. The matched funds from Second Presbyterian also contribute to the Young Scholars Endowment Fund, ensuring the program's strength and sustainability for the future. 

‍Quote from a
Young Scholar Parent

"Watching our son flourish at PDS fills me with immense pride and gratitude. In an all-boys environment, he's free to embrace his authentic self, not limited by societal expectations that are typically placed on boys.

It's a place where he can grow academically, athletically, and in character, surrounded by peers and teachers who understand him in a way that only fellow boys and teachers of boys can.

The school's commitment to exposing the boys to diverse cultures, fostering teamwork, and providing abundant opportunities for exploration ensures that he's not just learning, but thriving.

PDS isn't just a school; it's a nurturing environment where boys become confident, capable young men and we are very grateful that our son has the opportunity to attend."

With your contribution to the program, boys from varying backgrounds have made life-long friends. They have been challenged and nurtured. They have learned at one of the best all-boys school in the world. Young Scholars are a blessing to our school and impacted PDS beyond measure.

Thank you for making all of these opportunities a reality and establishing Presbyterian Day School as a healthier and more vibrant community.

Contact Chris Oliver, Chief Advancement Officer at 901-842-4602 or

‍15th Year of Program

‍21 Young Scholars at PDS

27 Active Sponsors

3 Fully-Endowed Spots

24 Graduates

Over $3M Given

Presbyterian Day School


4025 Poplar Avenue
Memphis, TN 38111

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