Register for Crusader Track
The PDS Athletic Dept. is, once again, excited about the upcoming Crusader Track season. The team will be led by Coach Jackson Boyd.
The first day of practice is Monday, March 3rd, at MUS. Practices will be held at PDS and MUS. Practice times at PDS will be after school from 3:30 – 4:30pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Practice times at MUS will be from 5:30 – 7:00pm on Mondays. Most of the meets will be on Thursdays at MUS in April and will start at 4:00pm.
Once the season begins, the boys will average 2 to 3 activities per week. Boys will practice on Mondays and Tuesdays and participate in meets on Thursdays. The final meet will be held on a Friday in early May (only Friday activity). There may also be one optional meet on a Saturday in April.
Due to the time and training involved, the Athletic Dept. encourages you and your son to thoughtfully evaluate whether or not he wants to make this commitment. Please note that Intramural Soccer games are on Wednesdays and Fridays in April. Therefore, boys who choose to run on the track team may still play in the PDS Intramural Soccer League.
The cost for Crusader Track is $200 (you will be billed by the school).
If you have any questions, please contact the Athletic Dept. at 901–842–4626 or