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Five More Reasons to Choose a Private School in Memphis

Posted on | Mike Bullard

Choosing where to send your child to school might be one of the most important decisions you make. The early school years will set your child on a path that will shape his or her course later in life, so before you select your child’s school, do some research. A strong foundation will provide an advantage that lasts a lifetime. If you have ever considered a private school for your child, then you probably already know the benefits of a private school education. If not, then read Five Reasons to Choose a Private School in Memphis or Even Five More Reasons to Choose a Private School in Memphis. If that isn’t enough, here are five more reasons to choose a private school in Memphis:


Focus on Character

Many private schools place a high priority on personal growth and character development. These schools recognize that character education should go hand in hand with academics. In many private and independent schools, learning how to be a good person is every bit as important as learning to read and write.

Nerds are Cool

You may remember all the smart kids in school — all the nerds, dorks, and geeks. In private schools, it is cool to be the smart kid. The reason for this is simple — private schools do a great job of teaching kids to love learning. In addition, they have the resources to stretch the intellect of these smart students to help them reach their potential.

Everyone is Important

Many schools do a great job of focusing on the really smart kids as well as the underperforming kids, but the majority of the class is somewhere in betwen, and as a result, they are left with little attention. It is really difficult to fall through the cracks at a private school. Since the class sizes are smaller at private schools, every kid gets a more personalized education. In addition, most private schools hire support staff (reading specialists, counselors, and other support teachers) to help fill in all the gaps, making sure that each student gets the maximum instruction possible.

Discipline Isn't a Problem

Private schools provide constant supervision and do not tolerate hazing, cheating, or bullying. The children and parents know that there are serious consequences for infractions like these. Not only that, but most students are in a private school because they want to learn. But in the rare instance of conduct problems in a private school, the teachers are trusted to handle them in the classroom. This avoids wasting valuable learning time with needless trips to the principal's office. This leads to a safe, comfortable environment for kids, where, especially in elementary school, it is important to their emotional development.

Religious Teaching

By law, public schools must keep religion out of the classroom, but a private school can teach religion according to its mission. The philosophy of the school, along with all its religious beliefs and practices, will be taught on a daily basis which leads to a more well-rounded education in most instances. The amount of religious instruction is up to each individual school. In Memphis, there are many private Christian schools, along with others of different faith traditions.



The state of education in the Memphis area is complicated. There are many options out there, but make sure you do your homework on the schools that are available to you.

Every school is not a great fit for every child or every family. Think long and hard about the type of education you want for your child. Do the research. Weigh the pros and cons. Make lists. Ask your friends. Interview parents and students at the schools you’re interested in. Your child’s education is important. Find the best choice for your family’s needs.

Need more reasons? Here are Five Reasons to Choose a Private School in Memphis and Even Five More Reasons to Choose a Private School in Memphis


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