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How Do You
Build a Boy?

Are Girls Smarter than Boys? Disproving the Gender Gap of Learning
by Mike Bullard
Is the so-called gender gap in learning real? Some experts in education argue that such a chasm is non-existent. Others insist that it is a real result of the over-fem...
Video: Developmental Milestones - Age 4
by Winston Baccus
On Tuesday, September 15, Presbyterian Day School hosted the second in our series of Parent Education events for 2015-2016. Is my child on track? Developmental miles...
Video: The Digital Toolbelt at PDS
by Winston Baccus
On Thursday, September 10 The Digital Toolbelt at PDS Parent Education seminar was held at PDS. PDS carefully deploys many pieces of technology to help our students e...
Playing Fantasy Football in Class
by Rachel Bishop
How do you get a group of sixth-grade boys to voluntarily work hundreds of math problems? The answer is fantasy football.
Five Easy Ways to Make Your Kids Feel Loved (After a Long Day at Work)
by Mike Bullard
After a long day of going, going, going, sometimes it is all you can do to get a semi-nutritious meal on the table. Let alone, spend large amounts of time with each of...
The Five C’s of a Private Christian School
For many parents, one of the most difficult decisions they face is where to send their child to school. This decision is wrestled with, prayed over, talked about and u...

Tuesday, August 1 - Thursday, August 1
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Available year-round!

We love showing off our campus and our boys.

To Schedule a tour, contact Rachel Bishop, Director of Admission at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 901-842-4695