Ways to Give
We are so thankful for your interest in supporting PDS. Your gift will help ensure that PDS continues the great mission of raising boys in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man!
Our staff is pleased to work with you in structuring gift opportunities that ensure your philanthropic goals are met while best supporting the needs of the school. All gifts are subject to compliance with PDS’s Gift Acceptance Policy, as outlined by the Board of Trustees. PDS is a 501(c)(3), and contributions to the school are tax deductible upon compliance with the Internal Revenue Code.
If you would like to speak to us about your gift, please contact:
Annual Fund
Tuition alone does not cover the entire cost of a boy's education. Your gift to the Annual Fund helps bridge the gap between tuition and the true cost of educating a PDS boy.
Young Scholars
We’re going into neighborhoods all over Memphis to search for young boys with exceptional potential and offer them a life-changing education.
March Mania Auction
The March Mania online auction is an annual fundraiser that supports the operating budget of the school.
March Mania Donor Packet 2025.pdf
Popular 252.33 KB |
11/08/2024 11:08 | |
March Mania Sponsor Packet 2025.pdf
Popular 463.79 KB |
11/08/2024 11:08 |
Planned Giving
Fundraising Activities
Giving Options
Make checks payable to Presbyterian Day School and send to:
Presbyterian Day School
Attn: Development Office
4025 Poplar Avenue
Memphis TN 38111
You can give via our website, give via Venmo (send your gift to @PDS-Memphis), or contact Kim Bridgforth at 901–842–4606 for assistance.
To make a gift of stock, please use the following DTC instructions:
Sentry LLC - DTC #0226
Fidelity Investments
For credit to: Acct #637–034657
Tax ID#: 62–0811568
Account Name: Presbyterian Day School Gift Account
A gift from “Donors name”
Please notify the Development Office at Presbyterian Day School in advance of the transfer by contacting Kim Bridgforth. This notice is often our only way of determining the identity of a donor and where the gift should be directed.
Many organizations have corporate matching gift programs that can double and sometimes triple the value of your gift. If your company or your spouse's compmany has a matching gift program, please ask your human resources representative for a matching gift form to submit with your gift. The Presbyterian Day School Development office will take care of the rest.
Examples of gifts of tangible personal property are furniture, art work, books, valuable collections, etc. All gifts of tangible personal property must go through an approval process before the gift is finalized. Gifts of tangible personal property that are legitimately appraised and satisfy the “related use” standard may also qualify for a tax deduction.
Bequests are the easiest form of charitable estate planning and enable you to name Presbyterian Day School in your will.
You can make a deferred gift by donating a life insurance policy to Presbyterian Day School or simply naming us as the beneficiary. Your retirement account can pass directly to PDS as your primary beneficiary, or it can be transferred to a deferred giving arrangement that will pay an income for life to a family member, after which the remaining assets pass to PDS.