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How Do You
Build a Boy?

VIDEO: 75th Anniversary - Alumni Reflections
by Winston Baccus
As part of our 75th anniversary celebration, we interviewed several alumni to hear how Presbyterian Day School made a difference in their lives. These reflections were...
Upcoming Milestones - Spring 2023
by Brad Sewell
New Head of Early Childhood: Carissa Lacy After a two-year search process, I am excited to say that we have found our next Head of Early Childhood. It’s been a ...
Teachers Represent PDS at Conferences
by Emily Lequerica
“We are always working to do what’s best for our boys and going to conferences like this allows us to share and collaborate with other teachers who want these same thi...
Celebrating Our First Year of Cultural Expeditions
by Winston Baccus
​At PDS, giving students the opportunity to explore and grow their understanding of their culture and history is of utmost importance. PDS boys ventured out of the cla...
Navigating Change: Moving Forward in Boys' Education Through Research
by Emily Lequerica
At PDS, we are connecting with thought leaders in education, visiting these research-invested schools and having many conversations to intentionally define and design ...
PDS Teachers Visit Boys' Schools Around the World
by Emily Lequerica
The best teachers are tireless learners who continuously challenge the status quo, explore new ideas, and hone their craft. At PDS, we seek professional development op...

Thursday, August 1 - Friday, August 1
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Available year-round!

We love showing off our campus and our boys.

To Schedule a tour, contact Rachel Bishop, Director of Admission at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 901-842-4695