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Flight Plan books give boys a clear vision for manhood in the 21st century and help them apply that vision to everything from peer pressure to puberty, and from schoolwork to future ambitions.

We wrote the book on character education.
What Does It Mean to Be a Man?
How do we define being a man?

A real man glorifies God by seeking an adventurous life of purpose and passion as he protects and serves others.

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Building Boys, Making Men

Our Character Education Program

At PDS, we believe that boys should be intentionally taught about authentic manhood and have a biblical framework for making wise and edifying choices during their teenage years and beyond.

That’s why we have spent over twenty years developing Building Boys, Making Men — a character education program that teaches every boy at PDS what it really means to be a man.

The Definition of Manhood We Teach Boys:
The Definition of Manhood We Teach Boys:

A real man glorifies God by seeking an adventurous life of purpose and passion as he protects and serves others.

A real man glorifies God by seeking an adventurous life of purpose and passion as he protects and serves others.

PDS wants to partner with you as you raise your son into this kind of man. And because we know boys learn best in small groups through big conversations and hands-on projects, every 5th and 6th grader has a male mentor and meets regularly with a mentor group.

The Seven Virtues of Manhood


Stands by, Stands up. Godly men are willing to stick with their friends through thick and thin.

Uses Gifts for God’s Glory. True heroes are not always successful in the way the world defines success.

Takes Initiative for Others. A servant leader recognizes that his relationship with Christ is first and his relationship with others is second.

Sets the Example. A Pacesetter makes a difference. Stands up for others. Treats others with respect.

Is Loved by God. Faithful Followers live in God's story, following Christ, studying the Bible.

Lives Honorably. Real men have a code of principles that they are going to live by, no matter what.

Goes Courageously. Bold Adventurers follow where God leads and are obedient to His plans.

True Friend

Leave no man behind. Godly men are willing to stick with their friends through thick and thin.

Servant Leader

Develop a God-sized vision. True heroes are not always successful in the way the world defines success.

Humble Hero

I am third. A servant leader recognizes that his relationship with Christ is first and his relationship with others is second.


Set the example. A Pacesetter makes a difference. Stands up for others. Treats others with respect.

Bold Adventurer

Don't sit around. Bold Adventurers follow where God leads and are obedient to His plans.

Noble Knight

Called to duty. Real men have a code of principles that they are going to live by, no matter what.

Faithful Follower

Give up control. Faithful Followers live in God's story, following Christ, studying the Bible.

V7 - Faithful Follower
The Faithful Follower

Is Loved by God

● Gives up control of his life to God
● Is saved by grace
● Leads a content and joyful life
● Studies God’s word
● Is a new creation in Christ Jesus
● Worships and has regular fellowship with God

Key Verse: “My sheep hear my voice, I know them, and they follow me” - John 10:27


The journey from boy to man is a big adventure—and an important one. That’s why PDS published The 7 Virtues of Manhood, Flight Plan, and Building Boys with Spiritual Habits. These books are designed to show our boys what it means to be a godly man and how to live that out in the choices they make today and throughout their teenage years.