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How Do You
Build a Boy?

Remember Your Armor - How PDS Cultivates a Culture  of Emotional Intelligence
by Laura Glenn
In a recent fourth-grade class meeting, a size 15 pair of loafers, once owned by former NFL player Barrett Jones, rests on the floor. An energetic group of boys admir...
Upcoming Milestones - Spring 2022
by Brad Sewell
Southern Association of Independent School Accreditation PDS has been an accredited member of the Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS) for many ye...
Fall Breakaway Retreats to Victory Ranch
by Winston Baccus
Our annual Fall Breakaways to Victory Ranch are an opportunity for building camaraderie, teamwork, and leadership for our 5th and 6th grade boys. It’s also ti...
Black History Month Family Guide
by Anne-Davis Vander Have
Advance Memphis put together a Black History Month Family Guide as a resource to help families observe and recognize the many African Americans who have contributed ...
Starting Early
by Caroline Friday
Starting Early The work of Christian character education begins with our youngest students in the Early Childhood division. On a cloudy February morning, I walked down...
A Snapshot of Learning: How does PDS compare with other schools?
by Laura Glenn
How does PDS compare with other schools? PDS boys outperform other independent schools and the best public schools on ERB tests. Make sure your son gets a good n...

Thursday, August 1 - Friday, August 1
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Available year-round!

We love showing off our campus and our boys.

To Schedule a tour, contact Rachel Bishop, Director of Admission at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 901-842-4695