Name Building Boys with Spiritual Habits
Description This book is the realization of a vision that PDS dad and chaplain, Howard Graham, had to create a guide that would help parents on their journey of building boys into men. After much research on how God raises boys to be men and many practical hours with boys at school and at home, Howard teamed up with contributing author Taylor Tollison (also a PDS dad) and graphic designer Brandon Harris to make this book a reality. Casey Sigler (editing) and Lukas Kilimann (research) were also instrumental. We are thankful to the authors of Wild Things, You Are What You Love, and Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life. These books have greatly influenced our approach.
File name Building Boys with Spiritual Habits.pdf
Version 1
Size 3.6 MB
File type pdf (Mime type application/pdf)
Owner Winston Baccus
Date added 06/02/2020 10:16
Hits 854
Last modified on 06/02/2020 10:20
MD5 checksum 5473e69011911cd561a6d735856b0bf4
SHA1 checksum 9ba165d3c8400bc51429140a8ea7adefd5adbf55

Presbyterian Day School (PDS) is a private, Christian preschool and elementary school serving boys from 2-years-old through 6th grade for over 75 years.

With our mission of striving to glorify God by developing boys in wisdom and stature and favor with God and man, we take a holistic approach to education, nurturing the heart, soul, mind, and body of each boy.

4025 Poplar Avenue
Memphis, TN 38111


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