Carpool: Please Help Us by Following These Guidelines
Parents, as we begin a new school year, a few reminders about some necessary policies and procedures to ensure a safe and smooth experience for everyone involved:
Please do not drop-off boys at the main entrance. If you have a mixed-group of EC boys and elementary boys: after you drop-off the EC boys, pull forward to the doors near the first grade classrooms where Laura Glenn is usually stationed to drop off the elementary boys.
In the afternoons, please arrive at the appropriate time. Because of the limited space available for queueing, arriving early jams up the lane and slows down carpool for other grades. See maps and dismissal schedule for more information.
In the mornings, please drop boys off between 7:20 and 7:50 am.
Please do not use cellphones or tablets while in carpool.
Please use the correct entrance: Morning and Afternoon Early Childhood carpool enters only from Central Avenue. Mid-day pickup enters from Poplar Avenue. Refer to the carpool maps on the website for more information.
Please honor the no left-turn onto Poplar policy: We understand it is an inconvenience that you cannot make a left turn onto Poplar Avenue, but it’s a necessary one. There have been several accidents and dozens of near misses over the years.
Please don’t get out of your car unless it’s parked in a parking place. If you need to get out of your car for any reason, park in a parking place. If you need to drop off something at the front desk, please park in a parking place.
Students must go to aftercare if they are not picked up 30 minutes after dismissal. See the dismissal schedule for more information.
For more information on carpool procedures and maps of routes and drop-off points, please consult the Student Handbook Carpool entry.