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Parents' Association Nominations for 2025-2026

Parents' Association Nominations for 2025-2026

Written on . Posted in News.
by Kristen Griffith

The PDS Parents’ Association endeavors to promote parental involvement and to strengthen family commitment to the school through service and support PDS Parents’ Association Mission Statement

The PDS Parents’ Association is a great way to get involved and plug in to the many events at PDS. All parents of PDS students are members of the Parents’ Association. There are many ways to get involved with the life of PDS. We are now accepting nominations for the 2025-2026 Parents’ Association Board. The Parents’ Association Board meets to assist the faculty, administration, and students in furthering the well-being of the school through various events and activities, many of which are described below. Nominees must be willing to attend all meetings (approximately 5-6 meetings during the school year), regularly support Parents’ Association facilitated events and activities, and make a donation to the Annual Fund. Please note: Nominees must have participated on a Parents’ Association committee for at least 1 school year before holding a position on the Board.

THE PDS PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION RELIES PRIMARILY ON A SELF-NOMINATION PROCESS. Self-nominations are highly encouraged as such nominations indicate that an individual is actively seeking to be more involved in the PDS community and has carefully considered the responsibilities and obligations associated with the position sought.

Please review the following descriptions and consider nominating yourself or someone you think would be a good candidate for a Parents’ Association position. As you will notice, several positions have already been slated because they are two-year positions. Please know that if you are nominating yourself or someone else as a Vice Chair, that means serving a two-year term (as Vice-Chair for 2025–2026 and then as Chair for 2026–2027).

If you have any questions, please contact Kristen Griffith, Parents’ Association Liaison, at (901)848–6123 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information. Nomination forms may be turned in at the front desk & are due Thursday, February 13th.

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01/22/2025 10:17


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