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Boys need more than lessons about what it means to follow God—they need to see examples of what it looks like in real life, and they need relationships that will encourage them to follow God themselves.

Mentors meet with a group of 5 to 7 boys for 30 minutes every other week in 5th grade and for 30 minutes weekly in 6th.

This starts with our buddies program, where each boy in our Early Childhood program is paired with a boy in 4th, 5th, or 6th grade. This encourages the younger boys, and it teaches the older boys about leadership, kindness, and serving others.

Our 5th and 6th grade boys also have mentor groups led by men from the PDS community—coaches, teachers, and staff.

Our Mentors:

  • Are male faculty members who love Jesus
  • Take time to affirm the gifts and uniqueness of each boy
  • Are a guide for the challenges and opportunities boys face
  • Are advocates for the boys and a source of encouragement
  • Are able to meet one-on-one with boys as needed for guidance and advice
  • Pray with and for the boys