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PDS Launches Spiritual Development Book for Families
Co-authored by former Chaplain Howard Graham and PDS dad Taylor Tollison, this newest book from PDS' Building Boys, Making Men program is designed to be a guide that helps parents on their journey of building boys into men.
Building Boys with Spiritual Habits: Train Your Boys to be Real Men – Men of God

At PDS, we love boys. In fact, it’s our mission to glorify God by developing boys in wisdom, stature, and in favor with God and man (1 Corinthians 10:31 and Luke 2:52). We teach boys that real wisdom, stature, and favor come from knowing and following God. And, we have learned over the years that while PDS and the local church play an important part in the development of a boy’s spiritual development, the most impactful place for spiritual development is the home.
Yes, parents, it’s true — God has commissioned you to raise your sons to know Him (Gen 1:26-28, Deut. 6:4-9).
After much research on how God raises boys to be men and many practical hours with boys at school and at home, authors Graham and Tollison teamed up to make this book a reality.
“We’ve learned over the years that the most important place for spiritual development is the home,” says author, Howard Graham. “In our quest to partner with parents our team poured through a great deal of research and many books to help us better understand what God uses to build boys into men. We believe the habits in this book will help boys know God and draw near to Him, and will also serve as a guide and encouragement to parents who want to make sure they are doing everything possible to help lead their children in a journey of lifelong faith."
“These authors have taken decades of experience, and shaped it into daily practices for you and your son. They will walk you through what it looks like to build these spiritual habits at every stage of development. You’ve been handed a road map for spiritual development, written by trusted guides."
We believe the habits in this book will help stop the trend of kids walking away from Christianity, and will also serve as a guide and encouragement to parents who want to make sure they are doing everything possible to help lead their children in a journey of lifelong faith.
Building Boys with Spiritual Habits is being distributed to PDS families and is also available for purchase via Amazon.