Our 2020-2021 Annual Giving Report is Now Available
Organizations are often defined by their most difficult hours. They either don’t make it, survive it, or in a few rare instances, they thrive and come out of their challenges even stronger. As I reflect on the 2020-2021 school year at Presbyterian Day School, I can say with confidence that our school thrived in the face of difficulty.
Our teachers proved that they are capable of adapting and delivering the best possible education, despite difficult circumstances.
Our boys continued to show up each day, smiling under their masks, and bringing joy to our halls.
And you, our community, stepped up in so many ways, not the least of which was your incredible generosity to PDS. Through your generosity, we continued to live out our mission of "developing boys in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man."
Thriving in the midst of difficulty is brought about by the character of a place, and the character of a place is made up of its people. Thank you for all you have done to make PDS thrive!
McKee Humphreys ‘95
Assistant Head of School for Advancement