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Strategic Parenting Guide, November 2013: The Servant Leader

Posted on | Braxton Brady

Strategic Parenting: Reinforce These Virtues at Home

Learn more about PDS' character education program, Building Boys, Making MenRead More

At the beginning of each month, we'll be providing parents with talking points and action points to complement what we're doing at school. It's all about strategic parenting.


Cast Vision: Virtue of the Month

The Servant Leader

  • Servant Leaders live by the motto “I am third”
  • Servant Leaders serve others even when it is unpopular

Communicate Truth: Monthly Scripture

"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another” 1 Peter 4:10

  • Memorize this scripture together this month
  • Teach your son what it means to use your gifts to serve others

Commit to Discipleship Teaching Points

  • Talk to your son about the gifts that God has given you. Give him examples of how you use those gifts.
  • Make a list with your son of his gifts and your gifts.
  • After completing that list, discuss with him how each of you can use your gifts to serve others.

Champion Service

Invite a group of dads and sons for Saturday of service. Activities might include raking yards or cleaning up at your church or school.

Chief Memory Maker

Find a local ministry that helps families in need with a Thanksgiving meal and serve them as a family.

Tags: Chapel