Strategic Parenting

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Possibility of Failure: Are You Willing to Let Your Son Hang?
Are you willing to let your kid hang?
Sky hanging.
Ever heard of it? I hadn’t either until I read an article and saw this picture (courtesy of Mustang Wanted).
Apparently, a Ukranian daredevil has decided to get his picture taken from high places while he dangles from his hands and feet. I must admit that looking at the pictures freaks me out. I can’t even imagine the phone call from one of my kids telling me they are going to do anything remotely close to this.
The more I looked at the pictures and the more I thought about the craziness of this stunt, the more I began to think about how much control I actually try and place over my children.
Let me explain.
When God called our family to move into the inner city of Memphis, our parents were not pleased. They have since changed their opinion but it was tough at first. As our children are growing older, I began to think about how far I am willing to let them hang?
I can talk a big game but am I really willing to let them make decisions that others might consider “dangerous?” If they want to go live, love, and serve somewhere for the sake of the gospel, will I be excited for the opportunity or worried about their safety?
How about some questions that might hit even closer to home?
- Am I willing to let my child fail?
- When he makes a bad decision, do I let him suffer the consequences or immediately try and bail him out?
- Do I even allow him to be in a position to fail?
I think our default response is to clean up the mess without letting our children get dirty.
Letting our kids fail and work through difficult situations helps them develop resilience, a trait that many college coaches say is lacking in college students today. While it may be a result of laziness on the child’s part, I believe that parents should bear the weight of responsibility on this one.
Part of being a strategic parent means giving our kids the opportunity to fail under our roof and teaching them how to deal with it.
Teach resilience now so they don’t crumble later!