Junior Kindergarten

One highlight of the year for JK boys is a trip to the science lab to dissect sheep hearts.
He learns best through play and needs opportunities to move freely from one activity to another, as much of his learning is transmitted through his large muscles. He loves being read to, acting out stories, building with blocks, and manipulating the objects in his environment. Building relationships is encouraged, as he works in cooperative groups and begins to recognize and appreciate another’s point of view. His enthusiastic participation in all of life makes for an exciting year of emotional and academic growth.
Language Arts
- Listen to stories and respond to books
- Use left to right progression
- Name letters in first and last name
- Hear and create rhymes
- Recognize capital and lowercase letters
- Associate sounds with letters
- Communicate and speak effectively
- Contribute to discussion and express ideas through conversation
- Count to 50
- Identify numerals 1–20
- Form sets of 0–10 objects
- Identify coins—penny, nickel, dime, and quarter
- Identify geometric shapes
- Demonstrate understanding of measurement concepts
- Identify and create a pattern
- Sort by category
- Demonstrate understanding of graphing, more, less, and equal
- Sequence events using time concepts and tell time to the hour
Motor Development
- Hold and use scissors correctly
- Demonstrate correct pencil grip and maintain pencil control
- Color with increasing maturity and control
- Print name using correct capital and lowercase letter formation
- Explore weather patterns and temperature
- Learn to read thermometer
- Make predictions and create theories
- Dissect heart
- Study migration and adaptation
- Explore life on the farm
- Explore plant life
- Identify solids, liquids, and gasses
- Discover fossils, excavation tools, and learn about paleontology
- Compare living and nonliving organisms
- Make comparisons between items that float and sink
Social Studies
- Learn about communities—rural, urban, and suburban
- Study and celebrate national holidays
- Study American presidents, monuments, and symbols
- Learn about the history of Memphis
- Broaden global awareness—people, communities, and cultures
Social/Emotional Development
- Respond as a first-time listener
- Respect peers and authority figures
- Take responsibility for belongings
- Make transitions well
- Participate and cooperate in all activities
Curriculum Overview by Grade
Early Childhood
Curriculum Overview: Special Areas

We intentionally educate and nurture the heart, soul, mind, and body of each boy.
Guiding Principles

We know, nurture, and love each boy as a unique child of God.
Guiding Principles

We teach the Bible and model the Christian faith to our boys.
Guiding Principles

We aren't just teachers; we are life-long learners and students.
Guiding Principles

We push students to engage as thinkers.
Guiding Principles

In an increasingly connected world, our curriculum has a global perspective.
Guiding Principles

Flexible teaching strategies seek to maximize learning for each boy.
Guiding Principles

Our assessments aren't just a way to measure learning — we want our boys to demonstrate understanding.
Guiding Principles

We seek to enroll boys from diverse backgrounds.
Guiding Principles

We seek balance and excellence in all we do.
Guiding Principles

We aren't just boy-friendly; we're boy-specific.
Guiding Principles

Our program sets a foundation of learning that will help boys thrive beyond PDS.
Guiding Principles

We take time to make sure our faculty and staff are growing spiritually.
Guiding Principles

We hold high standards for ourselves, pushing ourselves to reflect, renew, and grow.