By Grade

Splash Into Summer!

Splash Into Summer!

Junior Kindergarten 

Summer is almost here! Let’s have some fun and enjoy a water day! Bring your swimsuit, towel, and water gun! We will have splash pools, hoses, sidewalk chalk, and more fun than you can imagine!!! This is always a super fun way to end the year! We will also have a yummy popsicle treat!

Event Properties

Event Date Thursday, May 16 2024, 2:30 pm
Event End Date Thursday, May 16 2024, 3:30 pm
Price $35.00
Minimum 10
Coordinator Ashley Eggers and Heather Spiegelman

To register for this event:

Presbyterian Day School (PDS) is a private, Christian preschool and elementary school serving boys from 2-years-old through 6th grade for over 75 years.

With our mission of striving to glorify God by developing boys in wisdom and stature and favor with God and man, we take a holistic approach to education, nurturing the heart, soul, mind, and body of each boy.

4025 Poplar Avenue
Memphis, TN 38111


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