After-School Adventures are Open for Registration
Our After-School Adventures program includes a variety of enrichment classes with options for all PDS boys. Boys can create a comic or learn to play chess. Who wouldn’t want to decorate some delicious holiday cookies?
Parents need to login to the website to register for classes. You can also access a list of the classes you have signed up for (just in case you forget!). If you’re having trouble logging in, contact Winston Baccus
Each course has a minimum and maximum number of students listed in the course description. I encourage you to look at your calendars and sign-up for classes that are interesting to you and your son. Some classes may fill rather quickly — don’t delay. And some start as soon as THIS WEEK!
More classes will be added throughout the semester, so watch the weekly After-School Adventures newsletter for the offerings that are coming over the next two weeks.
Events by Grade Level:
Questions or Suggestions
If you have a suggestion for a class or a questions about a class, please contact Neel Dixon,