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Crusader Band

Crusader Band

5th Grade 6th Grade

Calling all 5th and 6th graders! It’s time to join the PDS Crusader Band! Our band director, Mr. Terry Himebook, has met with the boys and invites all boys to consider joining the band this year.

Fifth-grade students involved in the PDS band will have one small-group lesson held once a week during the school day and one large-group session held after school on Thursdays each week. Sixth-grade students involved in the band will have one small-group lesson held once a week during the school day and one large-group session held before school on Thursdays each week. A strong effort is made to limit the impact on core academic classes and alternative times are offered when needed, but the boys may miss part of another special area class or PE when they have a lesson. Boys will be expected to make a commitment for the entire school year.

The fee to participate in the band for the 2024–25 school year is $250 per student. While PDS does have some school-owned instruments available for use, instrument rentals from local music stores may be necessary. Mr. Himebook will guide you through this process.

Mr. Himebook will meet with interested parents in the library at the conclusion of Parent Night.

Event Properties

Event Date Monday, September 16
Cut off date Monday, September 30
Price $250.00
Coordinator Terry Himebook
Location Presbyterian Day School

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