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Technology Responsible Use Policy for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Grade

April 28, 2020

Presbyterian Day School

Technology Responsible Use Policy

1st, 2nd, and 3rd Grades

1. I will use the laptop or mobile device only when I have permission from the

teacher. I understand that laptops and mobile devices at school are to be used to

promote learning, not for playing games.

2. I will use all the technology equipment carefully and respectfully, showing

proper care and handling. This includes only printing with the teacher’s permission,

closing and opening lid gently, and overall general use.

3. I will ask for help if I don’t know what to do.

4. I will tell an adult if I read or see something on the computer that is not

5. I will be a responsible Digital Citizen and will help others be responsible

citizens. I will never use the computer to hurt, frighten or bully others.

6. I will only use my own files or my own folders on the student server. I will

only access my computer files, respecting the work and ownership rights of students,

teachers, and others within and outside my school. I understand that any PDS

administrator, staff, or faculty member may review files, bookmarks, history, or other

files located on the server and my laptop or mobile device.

7. I will only share my passwords with my teacher or parent. I will not give out

any of my personal information without permission from a teacher or parent.

8. I will not change the desktop, dock, or other settings on my laptop. I will leave

the laptop and mobile device how it was set up when I first received it: such as,

never adding new programs, never moving applications, and never downloading or

installing software or files (including screen savers and widgets.) I will never clear

the history on my internet browsers.

9. I will respect all copyright laws and will make sure to show where I found

information and will not copy or share it without permission.

10. I will always be a representative of PDS while participating in online

activities. This includes being a respectful citizen, being mindful of what I say and

how I say things to others, and never publishing information that I would be

embarrassed to show my parents and teachers. In particular on student-created web

pages, blogs, or other social networks, I will comply with PDS rules, standards and expectations

and will honor the agreements I have signed.


I will abide by these 10 promises while I attend Presbyterian Day School. I understand

that if I violate any of these promises my use of the computer may be terminated, I may

not be able to participate in certain technology activities, and I may face other

________________________________ ____________________________ ____________________

Student’s name (please print) Student’s signature Date


As a parent or legal guardian of the student signing, I have read and agree with this

Responsible Use Policy and grant permission for my son to access the Internet. I

understand that Presbyterian Day School’s technology resources are designed for

educational purposes. I also understand that it is impossible for Presbyterian Day School

to restrict access to all controversial materials, and I will not hold it responsible for

materials acquired on the network. The school is not liable in any way for irresponsible

acts on the part of the student. Furthermore, I accept full responsibility for supervision if

and when my child’s use is not in a school setting.

_____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________

Parent’s name (please print) Parent’s signature Date

I have discussed Presbyterian Day School’s Responsible Use Policy with my parents. I

understand and agree to its rules.

_____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________

Student’s name (please print) Student’s signature Date

Please sign and return this form to school tomorrow.