By Grade

After-School Adventures


Each course has a minimum and maximum number of students listed in the course description. I encourage you to look at your calendars and sign-up for classes that are interesting to you and your son. Some classes may fill rather quickly — don’t delay.

Questions or Suggestions

If you have a suggestion for a class or a questions about a class, please contact Neel Dixon, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 901-842-4609

Browse offerings by grade:












ASA Calendar

JK Star Wars

Junior Kindergarten

Join us in a galaxy far far away for some Star Wars fun!

We will watch a short Clone Wars movie, have a tasty snack, and play, play play!!

Don't forget to pack an extra snack!

There are other sessions available for this class. See All
Event Date Thursday, December 12 2024, 2:30 pm
Event End Date Thursday, December 12 2024, 3:30 pm
Price $30.00
Minimum 5
Coordinator Holly Yarbrough & Heather Spiegelman

To register for this event:

Christmas Cookie and Holiday Hearts - SK

Senior Kindergarten

Let's spread some holiday cheer with a favorite Christmas tradition, Christmas cookies! We will talk about how Christmas is the season of giving and how we can spread cheer to those around us. God gave us the greatest gift of all with the birth of Jesus! During our time together your son will decorate Christmas cookies and make a card to gift to someone he loves.

Event Date Thursday, December 12 2024, 2:40 pm
Event End Date Thursday, December 12 2024, 3:40 pm
Price USD35.00
Minimum 10
Coordinator Allyse Holcomb

To register for this event:

Christmas STEM Around the World in 80 Minutes

1st Grade Young Knights 3rd Grade

Join us for a Christmas Adventure Around the World! We will learn about how other countries celebrate Christmas through STEM activities, crafts, and a snack.

Event Date Wednesday, December 18 2024, 2:25 pm
Event End Date Wednesday, December 18 2024, 3:45 pm
Cut off date Wednesday, December 18 2024, 12:00 pm
Price $40.00
Minimum 12
Coordinator Stacey Hays and Lindsey Robinson

To register for this event:

Service Opportunity Session (SOS) #3 - Our Seniors

3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade 6th Grade

We are never too young to make a difference! In this third of 4 service opportunities this year, students will discuss all the ways that senior citizens enrich our families and our community. We will make Valentine happies with flowers and cards to deliver to a local senior living community.

There are other sessions available for this class. See All
Event Date Tuesday, February 11 2025, 3:15 pm
Event End Date Tuesday, February 11 2025, 4:30 pm
Price $25.00
Minimum 8
Coordinator Stephanie Anderson

To register for this event:

Service Opportunity Session (SOS) #4 - Our Environment

3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade 6th Grade

We are never too young to make a difference! In this final of 4 service opportunities this year, students will learn about the importance of the environment and what we can do to protect it. We will make posters for Earth Day, bird feeders, and take home a seedling to plant at home.

There are other sessions available for this class. See All
Event Date Tuesday, April 15 2025, 3:15 pm
Event End Date Tuesday, April 15 2025, 4:30 pm
Cut off date Monday, April 14 2025, 12:00 pm
Price $25.00
Minimum 8
Coordinator Stephanie Anderson

To register for this event:

Presbyterian Day School (PDS) is a private, Christian preschool and elementary school serving boys from 2-years-old through 6th grade for over 75 years.

With our mission of striving to glorify God by developing boys in wisdom and stature and favor with God and man, we take a holistic approach to education, nurturing the heart, soul, mind, and body of each boy.

4025 Poplar Avenue
Memphis, TN 38111


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